[SM-USERS] What is needed to make sure the squirrel is ready for PHP 7?
David C. Rankin
2016-03-24 02:00:32 UTC
Paul, All,

I have updated a production box to PHP7 briefly on Archlinux server and
promptly broke an older install of eGroupware, I did not check squirrelmail at
that time. I downgraded to PHP 5.6 until I can get the groupware issue resolved.

squirrelmail.org still shows the announcement that it supports PHP 5.4-5.5,
(which I chuckled, since it is more current than my site even though that was
the update from 2013 :)

I have updated squirrelmail to svn revision 14549 and setup squirrelmail on
another Arch server with PHP7. I am receiving the following errors:

SquirrelMail notice messages
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 39
Category: PHP
Message: mb_stristr() [function.mb-stristr]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 41
Category: PHP
Message: mb_stristr() [function.mb-stristr]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 45

The 39, 41, 45 messages repeat several more times. It looks like it is really
close. Is there something else I can send or test to help out? (unfortunately
I'm not a php programmer, but I can work a keyboard and get whatever you may
think will help)

Above all messages look like they are mbstring complaints about an encoding
not being set. Do I need to set encoding to UTF-8 or set something to make
mbstring happy?

The only mbstring setting I have in php.ini is:

mbstring.func_overload = 7

(which is a groupware requirement)

Is there something I should try to resolve these messages on my end?

Thanks and keep up the great work.
David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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Paul Lesniewski
2016-10-29 20:13:57 UTC
Post by David C. Rankin
Paul, All,
I have updated a production box to PHP7 briefly on Archlinux server and
promptly broke an older install of eGroupware, I did not check squirrelmail at
that time. I downgraded to PHP 5.6 until I can get the groupware issue resolved.
squirrelmail.org still shows the announcement that it supports PHP 5.4-5.5,
(which I chuckled, since it is more current than my site even though that was
the update from 2013 :)
I have updated squirrelmail to svn revision 14549 and setup squirrelmail on
SquirrelMail notice messages
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 39
Category: PHP
Message: mb_stristr() [function.mb-stristr]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 41
Category: PHP
Message: mb_stristr() [function.mb-stristr]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 45
The 39, 41, 45 messages repeat several more times. It looks like it is really
close. Is there something else I can send or test to help out? (unfortunately
I'm not a php programmer, but I can work a keyboard and get whatever you may
think will help)
Above all messages look like they are mbstring complaints about an encoding
not being set. Do I need to set encoding to UTF-8 or set something to make
mbstring happy?
mbstring.func_overload = 7
(which is a groupware requirement)
Is there something I should try to resolve these messages on my end?
I can't immediately see that this is anything to do with PHP 7. Can you
please show your language and encoding related config settins as well as
what user interface language is being used when you see these? Also,
please make sure to test with the newest SVN snapshot.
Paul Lesniewski
SquirrelMail Team
Please support Open Source Software by donating to SquirrelMail!

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Posting guidelines: http://squirrelmail.org/postingguidelines
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Paul Lesniewski
2017-02-06 07:26:28 UTC
Post by David C. Rankin
Paul, All,
I have updated a production box to PHP7 briefly on Archlinux server and
promptly broke an older install of eGroupware, I did not check squirrelmail at
that time. I downgraded to PHP 5.6 until I can get the groupware issue resolved.
squirrelmail.org still shows the announcement that it supports PHP 5.4-5.5,
(which I chuckled, since it is more current than my site even though that was
the update from 2013 :)
I have updated squirrelmail to svn revision 14549 and setup squirrelmail on
SquirrelMail notice messages
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/class/template/Template.class.php
LINE: 1310
Category: PHP
Message: mb_strtolower() [function.mb-strtolower]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 39
Category: PHP
Message: mb_stristr() [function.mb-stristr]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 41
Category: PHP
Message: mb_stristr() [function.mb-stristr]: Unknown encoding "(null)"
FILE: /srv/http/htdocs/squirrelmail/functions/template/general_util.php
LINE: 45
The 39, 41, 45 messages repeat several more times. It looks like it is really
close. Is there something else I can send or test to help out? (unfortunately
I'm not a php programmer, but I can work a keyboard and get whatever you may
think will help)
Above all messages look like they are mbstring complaints about an encoding
not being set. Do I need to set encoding to UTF-8 or set something to make
mbstring happy?
mbstring.func_overload = 7
(which is a groupware requirement)
Is there something I should try to resolve these messages on my end?
Thanks and keep up the great work.
By the way, these errors have nothing to do with PHP 7 compatibility.
You've asked about these same errors at least twice before. Once you
solved the problem yourself. For example, see:

Paul Lesniewski
SquirrelMail Team
Please support Open Source Software by donating to SquirrelMail!

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squirrelmail-users mailing list
Posting guidelines: http://squirrelmail.org/postingguidelines
List address: squirrelmail-***@lists.sourceforge.net
List archives: http://news.gmane.org/gmane.mail.squirrelmail.user
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